Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Freshers Week made healthy-ish

Freshers Week - The week that will either make you or break you. Freshers Week teaches you who you are as a person. It gives you life skills that you won't learn anywhere else. Freshers Week is THE greatest week of your life. 

For some of you reading this, this may be your first ever Freshers Week, and if it is then GOOD LUCK and do not hold back. The rest of you probably fall into one of two different categories, there's the people who are running back to Freshers Week, they can't let go, this is exactly what they live for. And then there's the others, the ones with the voices in the back of their heads telling them that they shouldn't, it isn't healthy and they might actually die this time... Ignore that voice, I'm about to make your journey to Freshers a little bit easier.

HEALTHY ALCOHOL, 2 of my favourite words put together- It almost sounds angelic. 

For those of you thinking that this post might actually be a bit obsessive, a bit OTT healthy, well what about this:

1 Glass (8oz) of Long Island Iced Tea = Just short of 800 calories :-( 

...If you're about to embark on your Freshers Week journey, then this menu may help your body (That's if you aren't drinking each option x10).

Healthy Drinks Menu

Gin and Diet Tonic (60 Cals) :
  • 1 Part Gin 
  • 2 Parts Diet Tonic
  • Squeeze of Lime Juice
  • Small handful of fruit - Perfect for those of you who want a sweet kick (and for those of you who have forgotten about your 5 a day).
Low-Cal Fruit Mojito (105 Cals) :
  • Glass of ice
  • 12 Mint Leaves
  • Generous Squirt of Lime Juice
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons of Honey 
  • 1 Part Light Rum
  • 1/4 Cup of Your Favourite Fruit; Strawberry/Blueberries/Mango- whatever you fancy. 
  • Finish with sparking water.
Beck's Premier Light (64 Cals) :
  • 64 calories at 3.8% - You can't go wrong with this low-calorie beer, the taste isn't dissimilar from your average beer and the alcohol percentage is reasonably high. Brave the banter of ordering a light beer and laugh at them later (when they are fat).
Anything with Vodka (on average 50 Cals a shot) :
  • Vodka Cranberry
  • Vodka Diet Coke
  • Vodka Lime and Soda
  • If you are feeling healthy (and boring) why not go for the lowest calorie drink option - Vodka and Tonic.
Sweet Alcohol White Wine (114-147 Cals a glass) :
  • Turns out that sweet wines (Moscato/Chenin Blanc etc) are actually lower calorie than dry wines, so if you're inclined to a cheeky glass of vino on a night out and you have a sweet tooth then look no further! Tragically the less alcohol the wine contains, the less calories, so if you're looking for a healthy night out stick with the lesser percentages (waaaaaa).
Granted, the term 'healthy' is used very loosely in the 'Healthy Drinks Menu', but they're as healthy as you'll get for alcohol... Plus if you keep to the Healthy Drinks Menu then it's one less thing you'll regret in the morning. 

P.S for a hangover cure, see my previous post on Nuun tablets. 

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