The year 2009 hit us all with a bang, Victoria Beckham had a breast reduction from a 34DD to a B in a bid to be in Vogue and in the same year Queen Moss declared that absolutely nothing tasted better than being thin, not even a pie and peas. We laughed, we were angered, and then we looked at her...
...And somewhere between gazing at her rib cage and cheek bones, we believed her.
Boob jobs were taken off the Christmas list and suddenly celery became a staple meal. The words 'Size Zero' slipped into our vocabulary, quickly followed by 'Size Double Zero.' This was real life, the media were forcing images of stick thin models and gaunt celebrities down our throats.
4 Years on and thin is still fighting to be 'in', welcome... 'The Thigh Gap.'
'The Thigh Gap' is exactly what it says on the tin, if you have a gap between your thighs you are welcome in the thin club. If you don't, then see you later. The thigh gap has become the sought after accessory with girls dedicating their lives to the hollow leg look, if you want to follow the craze you can plough through the 100's of Instagram accounts which contain 'Motivational Thigh Gap' images, you can even pick your favourite thigh gap workout from the internet - There are many. (This link is genuinely Cosmo' as in Cosmopolitan magazine, teaching girls how to get a thigh gap - Yep Sh*t has got real. Apparently Cosmo are promoting fitness not thinspo, they are teaching us how to get toned legs and using the dangerous thigh gap trend to sell themselves -Oh alright that's okay then go ahead)
But somethings happened and thin is struggling to be IN. Somewhere between being pis*ed off at the thigh gap and pis*ed off at men, women have become empowered to weight train and suddenly THINSPO has become FITSPO. Shopping has been swapped with SQUATTING and instead of hitting the bars on a Friday night we are hitting the barbells in the gym. Girls are proving they can have a thigh gap AND a six pac.
With these alternating body images in mind we don't know where to go, do we want to be Skinny Sue or Body Building Betty. FITSPO or THINSPO!? IS THIN IN?!?!
I'm going to be post a poll on my Facebook Page to see whether people prefer, thin or fit. Please fill it in as i'm interested in whether thin really is going OUT and whether FIT is sneaking IN.
(Long live Kate Moss)
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