Saturday, 21 September 2013

You know it's winter when...

Can we talk about the time I went on a fitness trip and returned with an illness; I'm pretty convinced that it's my body punishing me for going on a wet, health and fitness 'holiday'. Either that or it's my body giving into the cold weather (If any of my friends/family are reading this, if you want to help me survive these treacherous few months then i'm going to need a new winter wardrobe).

*Weeps in self pity*

I genuinely feel like i've been eaten, spat out and then somewhere along the line a hedgehog's been put into my throat...Yes, i've got a cold and as a result i'm O.D'in on vitamins and Vicks... because that is what we've been taught to do right?!.. "Plenty of Vitamin C when you're feeling groggy" (Groggy - Great word). 

WELL GUESS WHAT... According to the Internet, Vitamin C curing the common cold is a MYTH. Our childhoods were a LIE. Many a study now tells us that Vitamin C does naff all for sniffles and sneezes (See here too). 

This is the kind of situation that makes me doubt my whole life.

...I'm sorry to have launched this information on you, you've probably bought many-a-pack of effervescent vitamin C tablets as well as chewable tablets that tastes like grit that you eat anyway thinking that they will revive you. However, it's not all bad news, vitamin C may not cure the common cold but it does have many other health benefits, so don't throw them all in the bin just yet!

One thing that you should definitely buy when you're feeling slightly deathly is the Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray - Like a dream this little tube makes you feel revitalised, (minus the absolutely revolting back drip of poison you get in your throat after squirting it up your nose), this little thing works miracles. 

No more excuses for not going to the gym. Squirt that bad boy up your nose and you'll feel ready to tackle the treadmill. Oh, and having a bad cold gives you an excuse to have a warm winter dinner...Which then means you might need to work a bit harder on that treadmill...Oh, this is a vicious cycle.

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