Sunday, 3 November 2013

Is thin still 'IN'?!

The year 2009 hit us all with a bang, Victoria Beckham had a breast reduction from a 34DD to a B in a bid to be in Vogue and in the same year Queen Moss declared that absolutely nothing tasted better than being thin, not even a pie and peas. We laughed, we were angered, and then we looked at her...

...And somewhere between gazing at her rib cage and cheek bones, we believed her. 


Boob jobs were taken off the Christmas list and suddenly celery became a staple meal. The words 'Size Zero' slipped into our vocabulary, quickly followed by  'Size Double Zero.' This was real life, the media were forcing images of stick thin models and gaunt celebrities down our throats. 

4 Years on and thin is still fighting to be 'in', welcome... 'The Thigh Gap.' 

'The Thigh Gap' is exactly what it says on the tin, if you have a gap between your thighs you are welcome in the thin club. If you don't, then see you later. The thigh gap has become the sought after accessory with girls dedicating their lives to the hollow leg look, if you want to follow the craze you can plough through the 100's of Instagram accounts which contain 'Motivational Thigh Gap' images, you can even pick your favourite thigh gap workout from the internet - There are many.  (This link is genuinely Cosmo' as in Cosmopolitan magazine, teaching girls how to get a thigh gap - Yep Sh*t has got real. Apparently Cosmo are promoting fitness not thinspo, they are teaching us how to get toned legs and using the dangerous thigh gap trend to sell themselves -Oh alright that's okay then go ahead) 

But somethings happened and thin is struggling to be IN. Somewhere between being pis*ed off at the thigh gap and pis*ed off at men, women have become empowered to weight train and suddenly THINSPO has become FITSPO. Shopping has been swapped with SQUATTING and instead of hitting the bars on a Friday night we are hitting the barbells in the gym. Girls are proving they can have a thigh gap AND a six pac. 

With these alternating body images in mind we don't know where to go, do we want to be Skinny Sue or Body Building Betty. FITSPO or THINSPO!? IS THIN IN?!?! 

I'm going to be post a poll on my Facebook Page to see whether people prefer, thin or fit. Please fill it in as i'm interested in whether thin really is going OUT and whether FIT is sneaking IN.

(Long live Kate Moss)

Sunday, 27 October 2013


So the clocks have gone back, the nights are going dark and (apparently) around 160,000 people have quit smoking. October is an influential month for more reasons than one.

STOPTOBER - Somebody in the Government woke up one morning and combined the words STOP with OCTOBER, this play on words created enough ammo to make a stop smoking scheme; a month whereby people would quit smoking because they were so drawn in by the pun itself.

During STOPTOBER you can order a Stoptober Pack containing information/help/advice/charts/ideas based on quitting smoking - I don't think the kit contains actual 'Stop Smoking' produce like NiQuitin Patches but clearly it contains enough to stop 160,000 people smoking!

Hands up to everyone who quit smoking through Stoptober, for the others who 'accidentally' missed it, you can get the same kit (for free) on this website at anytime of the year. If it's a pun that you need to motivate yourself then why not formulate:
NO-VEMBER (No Smoking November) 
DITCHCEMBER (Ditch It December)

... Okay i'm kidding my puns were awful and I'm not about to set up a Stop Smoking Campaign and make an artificial deadline, if you want to stop smoking you will. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month -  Breast Cancer Care chose October to be the month of awareness, the month which pushes everything pink and educates people about the awful disease that is Breast Cancer. You've probably seen groups of women wearing pink, selling pink cupcakes and talking about boobs - Yes this may be the norm for some women, pink/cupcakes/boobs (how stereotypical) but for the others they are campaigning for a cure.

I wanted to think of a way I could support Breast Cancer on my blog, without having to upload a photo of myself head to toe in pink (i'm not a pink person). So I decided to make a pink healthy recipe that's perfect for Autumn.

Clean Healthy Raspberry and Banana Bread

  • 9 TBSP of Oat Flour
  • 1 1/2 TSP of Baking Powder
  • 1 TSP of Ground Cinnamon
  • 3 TBSP of Sweetener (I used Stevia- Use whatever you want and sweeten it to your own preference)
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 2 Ripe Bananas
  • Handful of Raspberries 
  • 3 Eggs (2 full eggs and 1 for egg whites)

1. Preheat oven to 200c
2. Make the Oat Flour by blending up porridge oats.

3. Combine dry ingredients through a sieve and mix together.
4. In a separate bowl, mash raspberries and bananas (minus 1/4 of a banana- Keep this to the side) and whisk the eggs in using 1 egg white and 2 full eggs.
5. Mix all ingredients together.
6. Add to bread tin - Cut up the 1/4 banana you left to the side and place the pieces on top of the mixture (Simply for cute decoration).
 7. Put in the oven for 30-40 minutes - I wasn't 100% sure of the time so just keep an eye on the bread - You can check if it's done by putting a knife in the centre, if it comes out clean then the bread is ready.

As you can see I didn't own a rectangle bread tin, so I made a bread bun.

The recipe may not scream pink but I don't think anything bright pink looks particularly healthy. This banana bread defines 'clean eating' and is perfect for a quick breakfast fix or a healthy dessert.

NOW FOR HALLOWEEN AND BONFIRE NIGHT! Bring on the fake blood and the Bonfire lollies. 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

If it's Green it's Good

I've been receiving some lovely messages and feedback about my blog, with one message in particular being repeated - What health product would I recommend - As I couldn't answer this question I took it upon myself to test out a few products - Human Guinea Pig style. Some of them were crappy and some were amazing. So for today I've decided to give you an amazing product.

Wheatgrass Powder.

I've known about this superfood for over a year now but I'd never really got around to trying it  (Something to do with it being bright green and made of grass). Anyway, on my hunt for health products I found myself in a 'Smoothie & Healthy Fast Food Bar' called 'The Shambles Kitchen' formerly known as 'Xing.' This bar is the best healthy-food-place you'll find in York; the menu boasts detoxing smoothies and juices as well as nourishing meals. On this particular day I was looking for a pick-me-up and the man in the shop suggested a shot of Spirulina or Wheatgrass - Having never declined a shot before in my life, I felt obliged to go with his decision. Here's what I got:

Yep that bright green unappealing looking substance is Wheatgrass. I also took a sample of a Banana smoothie to help the taste go down...

Review - I'm not going to lie, it isn't pleasant. It tastes like grass mixed with grit, normally I'd put anyone off anything that tastes like grassy grit but not this. Within 5-10 minutes of shotting the Wheatgrass I immediately felt better, from feeling groggy and ill I became livelier and headache-free. Unsure whether this miracle-effect was a one off I bought myself a bag of Wheatgrass Powder from Holland & Barrett to put it to test at home...

It's £7.99 for 200g at Holland & B however when I bought it, it was 2-4-1 so I got it with a friend and paid half price (Watch out for the H&B sales you can get some cheap buys from time to time)! My first taste at home was a shot of Wheatgrass and water - I nearly died in my kitchen - Seriously do not attempt it on it's own, it's so rank. I also tried it mixed into a smoothie but I wasn't a fan, it overpowers the smoothie's taste. 

Through testing (and vomming) different concoctions I've found the answer:
- 2 x Teaspoons of Wheatgrass Powder mixed with a dash of water and a cordial of your choice. It takes the flavour away completely.

Oh yeah and now for the quick de-brief into why it makes you feel better - I'm not going to give you the health jargon and list of individual minerals and vitamins because i'm pretty sure that nobody even knows (or cares) what they do (including me):

Basically... 3.5g of Wheatgrass Powder is equivalent to 50g of spinach. It boosts the immune system, contains all 9 essential amino acids AND contains an array of vitamins - These are just SOME of the health benefits, there's soooo many more. 

My tip for winter - Stock up on Wheatgrass Powder.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Porridge Tub Trend

So the British weather has taken a turn for the worst; it is freezing. For weeks i've been looking for an excuse to wear my new winter coat and now that I finally have one, I don't even want to wear it -It's been one of those days.

Anyway, at some point today I came across the fact that it is 'National Porridge Day,' (Who the hell makes this sh*t up). So I thought, why wouldn't I do a blog post on my childhood nightmare. 

Porridge... I'm not sure how people feel about it. Some people have fond porridge memories, sat in a cosy house, eating porridge which has been cooked on the AGA and drizzled with honey. For the Oliver Twist's amongst us it's a stomach turner, porridge is associated with slop and thick gloop...Then there's the modernista's; somewhere, somehow, porridge has become cool. We've fallen into this huge commercial trap of eating it because it comes in cute little tubs that edit well on Instragram:

Hats off to Quaker Oats for charging £1.50 (at least) for a single tub of porridge, a tub which contains sugar, skimmed milk powder and porridge oats - Around 35 measly grams of porridge oats.

Lets just talk about SKIMMED MILK POWDER, as appealing as skimmed milk powder sounds, I don't think i'm in any rush to buy it. In fact, i'm not going to buy it at all, these tubs of porridge can be easily replicated without the skimmed milk powder and without the ridiculous price. A 1kg bag of porridge oats from Tesco costs 75p; that singular bag would make 28 porridge tubs at 2.7p a tub

If you're a busy lady whose life has been changed by the miracle that is porridge in a tub, then let me take this opportunity to introduce you to tupperware, it's a modern day miracle, you can fill your tupperware tub with porridge oats the night before and even fill another tub with milk; then when you're ready to eat you can pop them all together in a microwave and Bob's your uncle. If you're particularly picky and only have a kettle to hand during the day then that is also fine, porridge works just as well with water, you might need to add a little extra flavour. 

Porridge should be the go-to breakfast for anyone living an active lifestyle. The slow releasing complex carbs found in the oats leave you feeling fuller for longer. Not like the breakfast 'biscuit' advert, the one  saying how you'll feel full after 1 'biscuit' (it's a lie, they aren't biscuits and they don't even hit the sides). Porridge genuinely fills you up and heats you up. It's also full of fibre and protein, as well as vitamins and minerals, plus it goes with pretty much anything so you can make it as healthy as you want. 

For those of you still wincing at the thought of porridge, why not spice things up, literally... Add some cinnamon, maybe brown sugar, fruit, peanut butter, swap your milk for almond milk or coconut milk, i've even heard of people having marmite on their porridge (vom), whatever your taste, give it a shot.

Here was my porridge this morning:

Coconut, fig and dark chocolate - Delicious.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Nike Discount

Exercise is an expensive hobby; you spend a small fortune on gym clothes that you are expecting to fall off you after 6 months.

Little things like EXTRA SALE DISCOUNT can be a life saver.

So here you go, for all my lovely readers have a further 10% off the Nike Sale.

Visit this link and take an extra 10% off the already discounted clothing using this code: 

(It's valid from the 3rd-12th October)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Chocolate Truffle Recipe (It Rhymes)

So if like me you're drooling over The Great British Bake Off, wondering if your diet will ever allow you to eat cake again; well look no further.

In fact i've taken it a step beyond cake: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Chocolate Truffles - Perfect for you Paleo people. I'm sorry to those of you who want cake but this recipe relates directly to my 'Why You SHOULD Eat Chocolate' post, i'm basically giving you another excuse to eat chocolate. (Plus eating truffles increases your social class). 

  • 5 ounces of Dark Chocolate (70% or higher)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 120ml of coconut milk (I use Koko Milk
  • Drop of vanilla extract
  • For the topping : 
    • Cocoa powder and/or Shredded Coconut
  1. Chop up the chocolate into pieces and place them in a bowl with the coconut oil - Set this aside. 
  2. Heat the coconut milk on the hob in a saucepan on a medium heat. Remove it from the heat when it begins to simmer.
  3. Pour the hot coconut milk into the coconut oil & chocolate bowl and slowly mix the ingredients together.
  4. Finally add in the vanilla extract and continue to slowly stir. 
  5. Pour the mixture into a sealable bowl/tub/container and leave it in the fridge until set (around 4-5 hours).

This is when it all gets a little bit fiddly, you need to get your fingers into the mix and form it into little balls - Be quick or the mixture will melt in your fingers. 

Roll the balls in a topping of your choice, I went for cocoa powder and shredded coconut. Once you've coated the balls in your favourite (healthy) topping, pop them back into the fridge for an hour.

And in the words of Nicole Scherzinger, here you have some LITTLE COCO DUSTED BALLS OF DELICIOUSNESS.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Why You SHOULD Eat Chocolate

(You can thank me later for this).

'Cocoa seeds are a super fruit'


*Inserts Dancing Emoticon*

...No i'm not lying, this isn't a farfetched fitness myth, i'm not feeding you a fake fantasy to keep you gripped. This is real life, the researchers at the Chemistry Central Journal don't lie, they probably don't share our life goal of consuming 10,000 calories a day whilst maintaining the body of a Goddess. They are more interested in boring things like 'Why Humans exist'... Anyway off them and back onto us... CHOCOLATE IS A SUPER FRUIT and here is why:

'The cocoa bean is rich in a class of plant nutrients called Flavonoids' (Lol what?)... Flavonoids are antioxidants found in chocolate. This doesn't mean you'll find 'Flavonoids' on the ingredients list,  you need to look for 'Cocoa Solids' - The higher the percentage of Cocoa Solids = The higher the Flavonoids, therefore the better the bar is for your health. For example: 

This bar contains 'Cocoa Solids 85% minimum' e.g high in Flavonoids. The sad truth is that milk chocolate contains low cocoa solids and therefore low flavonoids :( ...Alas we cannot let this defeat us, chocolate is chocolate, especially if you're dieting, you can't be picky, you need your fix and it tastes better than salad.

Further reasons why dark chocolate is healthy:
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers Cholesterol 
  • Lowers the risk of Cardiovascular Disease 
  • Dark chocolate may protect your skin against the sun
  • Increases metabolism 
(All these facts are supported by studies which you can find anywhere online). The main proven fact is the 3rd point, that cocoa can lower the risk of Cardiovascular Disease...This doesn't however mean that you should OD on Dark Chocolate; as well as having an array of health benefits it needs to be consumed in a controlled manner, have a couple of pieces a few times a week.

OH and don't worry about the fat in dark chocolate, the fat comes from cocoa butter which is made up of acids, one in particular called 'stearic acid' - An acid which actually has a neutral affect on cholesterol, it doesn't raise cholesterol and it doesn't lower it either, WIN-WIN.

One last point - Not all dark chocolates are healthy, avoid any containing the labels, 'Processed with Alkali' - This means it has a lot less Flavonoids due to the processing procedure.... Oh and another point, the higher the percentage the more the bitter the chocolate, if the taste is too much for you then spread the choc' with a slither of honey or coconut oil and it'll make it a touch sweeter. 


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Freshers Week made healthy-ish

Freshers Week - The week that will either make you or break you. Freshers Week teaches you who you are as a person. It gives you life skills that you won't learn anywhere else. Freshers Week is THE greatest week of your life. 

For some of you reading this, this may be your first ever Freshers Week, and if it is then GOOD LUCK and do not hold back. The rest of you probably fall into one of two different categories, there's the people who are running back to Freshers Week, they can't let go, this is exactly what they live for. And then there's the others, the ones with the voices in the back of their heads telling them that they shouldn't, it isn't healthy and they might actually die this time... Ignore that voice, I'm about to make your journey to Freshers a little bit easier.

HEALTHY ALCOHOL, 2 of my favourite words put together- It almost sounds angelic. 

For those of you thinking that this post might actually be a bit obsessive, a bit OTT healthy, well what about this:

1 Glass (8oz) of Long Island Iced Tea = Just short of 800 calories :-( 

...If you're about to embark on your Freshers Week journey, then this menu may help your body (That's if you aren't drinking each option x10).

Healthy Drinks Menu

Gin and Diet Tonic (60 Cals) :
  • 1 Part Gin 
  • 2 Parts Diet Tonic
  • Squeeze of Lime Juice
  • Small handful of fruit - Perfect for those of you who want a sweet kick (and for those of you who have forgotten about your 5 a day).
Low-Cal Fruit Mojito (105 Cals) :
  • Glass of ice
  • 12 Mint Leaves
  • Generous Squirt of Lime Juice
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons of Honey 
  • 1 Part Light Rum
  • 1/4 Cup of Your Favourite Fruit; Strawberry/Blueberries/Mango- whatever you fancy. 
  • Finish with sparking water.
Beck's Premier Light (64 Cals) :
  • 64 calories at 3.8% - You can't go wrong with this low-calorie beer, the taste isn't dissimilar from your average beer and the alcohol percentage is reasonably high. Brave the banter of ordering a light beer and laugh at them later (when they are fat).
Anything with Vodka (on average 50 Cals a shot) :
  • Vodka Cranberry
  • Vodka Diet Coke
  • Vodka Lime and Soda
  • If you are feeling healthy (and boring) why not go for the lowest calorie drink option - Vodka and Tonic.
Sweet Alcohol White Wine (114-147 Cals a glass) :
  • Turns out that sweet wines (Moscato/Chenin Blanc etc) are actually lower calorie than dry wines, so if you're inclined to a cheeky glass of vino on a night out and you have a sweet tooth then look no further! Tragically the less alcohol the wine contains, the less calories, so if you're looking for a healthy night out stick with the lesser percentages (waaaaaa).
Granted, the term 'healthy' is used very loosely in the 'Healthy Drinks Menu', but they're as healthy as you'll get for alcohol... Plus if you keep to the Healthy Drinks Menu then it's one less thing you'll regret in the morning. 

P.S for a hangover cure, see my previous post on Nuun tablets. 

Saturday, 21 September 2013

You know it's winter when...

Can we talk about the time I went on a fitness trip and returned with an illness; I'm pretty convinced that it's my body punishing me for going on a wet, health and fitness 'holiday'. Either that or it's my body giving into the cold weather (If any of my friends/family are reading this, if you want to help me survive these treacherous few months then i'm going to need a new winter wardrobe).

*Weeps in self pity*

I genuinely feel like i've been eaten, spat out and then somewhere along the line a hedgehog's been put into my throat...Yes, i've got a cold and as a result i'm O.D'in on vitamins and Vicks... because that is what we've been taught to do right?!.. "Plenty of Vitamin C when you're feeling groggy" (Groggy - Great word). 

WELL GUESS WHAT... According to the Internet, Vitamin C curing the common cold is a MYTH. Our childhoods were a LIE. Many a study now tells us that Vitamin C does naff all for sniffles and sneezes (See here too). 

This is the kind of situation that makes me doubt my whole life.

...I'm sorry to have launched this information on you, you've probably bought many-a-pack of effervescent vitamin C tablets as well as chewable tablets that tastes like grit that you eat anyway thinking that they will revive you. However, it's not all bad news, vitamin C may not cure the common cold but it does have many other health benefits, so don't throw them all in the bin just yet!

One thing that you should definitely buy when you're feeling slightly deathly is the Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray - Like a dream this little tube makes you feel revitalised, (minus the absolutely revolting back drip of poison you get in your throat after squirting it up your nose), this little thing works miracles. 

No more excuses for not going to the gym. Squirt that bad boy up your nose and you'll feel ready to tackle the treadmill. Oh, and having a bad cold gives you an excuse to have a warm winter dinner...Which then means you might need to work a bit harder on that treadmill...Oh, this is a vicious cycle.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Health and Fitness Getaway

Before I begin this post, can I be the first to point out that Centre Parcs is definitely not a  tropical forest hidden underneath a huge dome. It isn't remotely indoors, it's a British forest which absolutely does not contain any tropical springs, none.

I'm glad we've managed to clear that one up, you know, just in case anyone actually turns up to Centre Parcs with that expectation in their minds.... 

So yeah, anyway, I went to Centre Parcs this week for the first time and it wasn't exactly what I had anticipated. It turns out that it's a huge forest, full of hills, full of cabins, full of bikes, full of kids -Seriously do not go if you're a fan of peace and quiet, there's literally more children than trees.

After my initial shock (what the hell is this place) I decided to embrace Centre Parcs for what it really is - Wet English Woods... I put on my coat and stepped into the (non-dome-covered) forest, I hired a bike and set off on my crazy week. I'm not going to bore with further details about Centre Parcs, i'm going to give you the basic DL. If you're looking to go on a fitness break that doesn't involve trawling over mountains and getting lost in the middle of the Lakes then this is the place for you. It's a village of health activities, ranging from yoga to paint balling to aerial adventures (trekking in the trees). There's a little bit of something for everyone.

With all this said, i'm not sure if i'd go back. The problem with Centre Parcs is that it doesn't feel like a fitness and health getaway, it feels like a week of fun and games and comfort food. After a morning of laser combat (running around trees in the rain with a heavy gun, ducking, hiding and shooting) you don't feel like going home and eating a healthy meal. You want to go home and eat scones and sit in front of the fire, you definitely don't want to spend your time preparing a gluten-free sugar-free muffin... At home a gluten-free muffin is exciting, it tastes so naughty when it's not. But at Centre Parcs, after running through the cold woods, screaming like a child with a gun, you don't care if your muffin's healthy or not, you inherit the mind of a child and you'd happily eat a packet of sugar for breakfast.

HOWEVER- Centre Parcs is THE perfect balance of fitness and good food. If you want to have a break which involves eating anything you want without feeling awful about it, then this is the place for you.

(^Do not be fooled by the blue sky - I'm in England, we have blue sky and torrential downpours within the same hour - The focus is on the mass amounts of bicycles).

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The greatest people you will ever meet, and the worst, beware of The Plastics. (Gym Edition)

I've been at my gym for over a month now and i'm still not over the 'new gym feeling'. It's like an instant paranoia that you get when you join a gym, you think that everybody's looking at you and that you're doing something wrong. Last week I managed to convince myself that I was in the Men's changing rooms?!!? 

After running out of the changing rooms and then running back in (once I'd seen the female sign) I decided that things needed to change. I went into the gym and looked around and realised something... Every gym is the same, it has the same people and the same cliques:

...You've got your:

Sted Heads - 90% of them have a bald head, 10% are wearing a cap. According to their vest's they're all members of 'Gold's Gym.' If you can't see them you can hear them, like pigs, grunting. If they aren't in the weights area then they're flexing in the mirror. Avoid. 

Unfriendly Gym Hotties - Their gym routines revolve around the treadmill and the free weight's area. They'll run for an hour (without sweating) and then effortlessly throw themselves around the exercise ball, (That silver ball that you've fallen over a couple of times and wondered what the hell it is - your mum probably has one that she doesn't use). Even whilst running and doing press-ups they still find the time to stare at you and judge you. Don't look at them. 

Girls Who Eat Their Feelings - The bigger ladies in the gym. The ones you look at and think 'Go on girls,' then you realise that they're drinking a litre of lemonade whilst walking on an incline. They go home and eat two dinners to congratulate themselves for going to the gym... They hate you for not being obese. They are your motivation to keep going. 

Girls Who Don't Eat Anything - Usually the ones sprinting on the machines, they constantly look down, seeing how many calories they've burnt. You look at them and think, 'What are you even doing here.' They are the faces you'll remember, because they are always there, every day. You want to tell them to go home/you kind of want to ask them what their secret is. Don't do it.  

The Desperate Wannabe's - They've always got a piece of paper in their hand and their iPod in. The paper consists of weights and exercises that they've spent all night researching on They start their sessions off with a Facebook status, 'Off to the gym BOOM #traindirty.' If you don't know this person, then you are this person- Don't be this person. 

The Plastics - They're all members of a secret shop which you find out about after you've had a boob job, the 'extra-tight-low-cut-gym-wear' shop. They have a face of makeup and hair extensions in. They float around the weights area, they're not there to lose weight, as they are already know it's easier to get surgery... They are there to hunt men, they slow motion jog and pout on the cross-trainers, their boobs are bigger than the gym balls, their bums are rounder than the dumbbells. Beware of the plastics. 

Once you've recognised who these people are it's easy to find your place, don’t be scared, you are in the ‘Greatest People You’ll Ever Meet’ category… I’ve officially taken Mean Girls too far. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013


Okay so this morning I sat in my pyjamas, nursing a mild hangover, watching The Great North Run. Somewhere between the 12 mile speed-jogging and the final mile sprint-finish I decided that I should probably sign up for some form of fitness challenge. (My decision may have resulted from the realisation that the athletes' jogging pace was definitely faster than my sprinting pace.)

I set myself the goal to find a fitness challenge, something that I have no choice but to train for, and here's what I found:

  • London Marathon - 13th April 2014. Completing the Marathon is on my bucket list... but as of yet I haven't even ran a half Marathon, so I don't think it's a good idea to throw myself in at the deep end, especially when I nearly died running a 10km...  I could apply as one of those wacky people who crawl the whole thing, or alternatively I'll give it a year and do it then? 2015 lets have ya'. 
  • Big Issue London to Paris Bike Ride - Granted this is nearly 10x longer than the Marathon (230 miles to be precise), so you're probably wondering why i'd even consider this... but this race is a bit different, you're split into groups of similar fitness levels and lead by a professional cycling guide (great job). 
    • Day 1 consists of cycling from London to Portsmouth where you catch an overnight ferry.
    • Day 2 involves cycling through beautiful French villages where you can stop off for coffee and crusty bread then end the day eating more French food and spending the night in a hotel. 
    • Day 3, cycling to Paris and then spending the evening in the beautiful city itself. 
    • Day 4, watch the final stage of the Tour De France.  
  • Pink Ribbon Walk -When you see the word 'walk' you kind of think that it can't be a fitness goal...Then you change your mind when you realise it's a 20 mile walk (or 10 if you prefer). I do this as my main fitness challenge as I don't think i'd train as hard for this event as I would for others. I would however do the walk separate to the fitness challenge as it's a fun day out; raising money for a great charity whilst having a chin wag at the same time. 
  • Zombie Survival Race - For those of you who struggle to push yourself... What about this; a race where you have no choice but to leg it. Run through water and mud whilst being chased by zombies. Let me just throw a couple of the obstacles out there: Zombie Slalom, The Darkness, Survival Crawl and A-Mazeing...Not for the faint hearted. 
Those are just a few idea's for my fitness challenge, the Zombie Survival Run sounds scarily appealing as does the Big Issue bike ride. If anyone else is training for a challenge then let me know how it's going. If these events don't appeal to you then have a look at this website, it's a site full of fun fitness events. If like me you want something a little bit more exciting than the standard 10km race, then that site is where you should head... think along the lines of swamp mud races and wolf chases? Whatever it is that you're into there will be an event that suits you, find your challenge, set your goal and train.

Friday, 13 September 2013

It's 'in' to be intolerant

It's a little known fact that Gwyneth Paltrow is the Goddess of fitness and health: 

Gwyneth has managed to dedicate her whole life to fitness. Not only has she named her daughter after a fruit (Apple), she has also taken it upon herself, to ensure that her whole family live a gluten-free, dairy-free and chicken-egg-free (?) lifestyle. ALL BECAUSE THEY ARE 'ALLERGIC'... All 4 of them... Sounds legit doesn't it?!

Another celeb' who associates her slim physique to her allergies is Miley Cyrus. Apparently Miley is allergic to gluten AND lactose. 

NOTE - The celeb' allergy list does not end here, visit this blog if you actually care to see which allergies/intolerances each celeb' claims to have. Oh and bravo to the lady who took her time to form that list, especially as it is now apparent that 80% of the celeb population claim to have an intolerance to some form of food. 

This intolerance mania has lead me to the assumption that we, as normal people are living the wrong life. Every day we see pictures of celebrities with perfectly toned bodies and every day we look in the mirror and wonder what the hell their secret is... Well I think i've found it. We need to pretend we have allergies. Maybe it will set us an aim, it will give us an excuse to say no to certain foods, it means we can food shop in 'Free From' aisles and be at one with our hippy sisters. We will no longer face criticism off friends who slate us for saying no to pizza with them, because in fact they will feel sorry for us that we are now intolerant to gluten.

Cutting out gluten and dairy (not sure about chicken eggs) is also highly beneficial for our health. Studies have shown that the elimination of gluten from our diets can result in an increase in energy levels as well as improving the bodies digestive system, eliminating gluten also drastically reduces the bodies intake of sugar and fat. However it must be noted that gluten-free products can be high in fat and carbs, so do your research; stick to organic vegetables and organic products, maybe even make your own gluten-free treats.

Dairy free, now this is the big one, apparently by cutting out lactose, symptoms such as nausea, anxiety and stress are lessened....OH and many women have found that they drop weight after dropping dairy. See this site for more info> Dairy Free Me 

Let me know if you do either and please let me know how it goes! I will be doing a post on dairy/gluten free treats soon, so hold tight. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Le bike c'est chic

Bicycles are a staple piece in the fitness world, they can be the line between you and the gym, some may say you that if you cycle every day then you don't need to go the gym... Some may say otherwise... *Sighs at the oh so serious fitness people who cycle to the gym AND BACK*!!! 

If you need an excuse to avoid the gym then getting a bike is definitely the answer and luckily for you I have done some bike research... it turns out that you can spend absolutely anything you want on a bike. Prices range from the absolutely ridiculous to £0:

Here is how to low budget bike shop:
  • Freecycle - A website that you need to keep a close eye on if you want a freebie, type in your area and search for bikes, you can even put up a wanted advert asking if anybody has a bike that they no longer use. 
  • eBay - The mother of all bargains. I've watched plenty of bikes sell for under a £5'er on here before. 
  • Gumtree - People are constantly putting their used bicycles up on Gumtree - Never ever buy a bike off Gumtree without seeing it first, they have very little buyer protection unless you go through Paypal of course; but other than that grab a cheapo here. 
  • Going Going Bike - Pick the style of bike you want and scroll through the masses of relatively cheap, used bikes, maybe one will tickle your fancy. 
What about you lot who like to splash out, well, take a look at this beauty:

Bikes like this retail for around £600, this very bicycle is from a website called Beg Bicycles which specialises in Bespoke Bikes. If you are a bespoke kinda gal then why the hell wouldn't you... on the other hand if you want a bespoke lifestyle with a budget wage then I have a solution...

^ There you have it ladies (& gentlemen) the Government are finally giving us a hand. With this scheme you can choose a tax free bike at a discount price which will be deducted monthly from your annual salary. Visit the website for more info' on payments and bikes. 

Have a nosey and maybe you'll find yourself a new friend.  

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Read any fitness magazine/blog/poster in the gym and you'll see column after column on 'Why we should drink water,' 'Why water is the key to weight loss,' 'Drinking water to keep in shape'.... ZZzZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzzz

Water doesn't appeal to me, I don't hate it, but it isn't my preference and I definitely wouldn't ask for it on a night out (well, not while I'm still seeing straight.)

Without stating the obvious we have no choice but to drink it when we exercise, especially high intensity exercise. Me being me, finds this quite difficult, I can drink water during exercise, I have to or i'd drop dead on the treadmill, but after exercise it becomes a chore. My boyfriend probably drinks 2L+ a day, without even thinking about it, I on the other hand probably drink a litre a day, and that's when i'm making myself drink. In order to boost my water intake i'm going to buy a fancy water bottle that holds above 500ml that way i'll drink it without even thinking. (My next blog post will delve into the world of water bottles- Remind me how exciting my life is again.)

BACK TO THE POINT- I've found something that tastes nicer than water AND is better for you than water; it's called Nuun. Nuun's are little hydration tablets that you pop into water, they fizz up like vitamin C tablets and they come in an array of flavours. They contain potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, all of which are vital minerals that help keep your muscles working and help to avoid cramps. Don't confuse them for your standard electrolyte sports drinks, unlike most drinks Nuun tablets contain no carbs', no sugar and only 8 calories. This means that they aren't an energy drink, they are primarily for hydration specifically for long duration exercise, but also for everyday exercise, the Nuun website even says that you can have them during the day simply to stay hydrated. 

I've been using Nuun for around 2 months now and I live off them, I got 4 packs for £14.99 from a website called wiggle. I usually have one before or after exercise to keep my hydration levels up and well, because I see them as a nice alternative to water!

Let me know what you think, my favourite flavour is Grape!! 

P.S If you're a lady of leisure, as well as a lady of fitness you might want to note that Nuun tablets can also be used as a hangover cure (thank me later).

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Super Foods

A good friend of mine works at a shop called Neals Yard, it's an 'everything organic,' skincare, health, beauty, kind of place; and I love it. Recently they've started selling health foods and super foods. Food is appealing enough to me... imagine how I feel about SUPER FOOD. 

I bought some Baobab Powder and some Mulberries... Here's the DL on what they do:

'Baobab Powder has as many antioxidants as goji berries, and more calcium than milk. It has more iron than red meat, more potassium than a banana and more magnesium than spinach.' (Information found on the Baobab website). So now we know why it's called a super food, anything that gives me energy and doesn't make me fat, is my new best friend. You can have it in smoothies, in your porridge, sprinkled on your fruit, anything, anywhere, just have it. 

Now onto Mulberries, they look more wild than your average dried fruit, put it this way, if someone offered me one i'd say no. They look like something you'd find on the floor of the local park in Autumn. For a weird dried flower like object they have an array of health benefits, 'A power house of nutrients, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, rich in vitamins and minerals' (Info' from the Neals Yard Website). Oh and did I mention.... THEY TASTE LIKE CHOCOLATE, a Super Fruit with only 43 calories in 100g, that tastes like chocolate... God is real. 

If your fitness quest needs a boost then go out and get yourself some super foods. If you don't believe me then visit this website: Nutrition and You and read all the health benefits yourself. (Thats if the chocolate fact hasn't already swayed you- and if it hasn't then you aren't a real person). 

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Aim Big

Last year I set myself an array of fitness goals, and I ended up completing just one of them:

The Race for Life 10KM - After accidentally sprinting the first kilometre (I wanted to be at the front) and very nearly suffering a cardiac arrest which resulted in a  jog-crawl for the last 9KM - I actually did it

All in all, the whole escapade has taught me a lesson :-

NO- Not that I should start a 10km race at a reasonable pace; I just can't, the cheers of the crowd alter my brain making me sprint past them like a female Mo Farah.

But what I have learnt, is that the best fitness goals are the ones that you can't escape, e.g. The Race For Life. I had no choice but to train in advance for the race. I purposely chose the 10km over the 5km race as it was a challenge for me and that's exactly what I needed in order to become fitter. 

As of current, i'm mentally preparing myself to choose a new challenge. Will I sign up for a marathon? Maybe a Tough Mudder? A triathlon? World's Strongest Woman (lol)? WHO KNOWS- I'm scared.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Sushi DIY

I have this little problem with healthy eating... I don't like it. 

Vegetables just don't appeal to me- Should I be saying this on a fitness blog!? 

As one of my fitness goals is to eat healthy, I'm going to have to find a way around this minor issue... For my lunch today I made some sushi. I'm obsessed with YoSushi but I'm not about to break the bank just to have a healthy lunch everyday. 

I've never made sushi before and I was convinced that it was going to turn out like a pile of mush and seaweed.... Well Well Well...

I KNOW right!?!! Gordon Ramsey eat your heart out. 

So after making this healthy lunch I then went on to research sushi stats, you know work out just how healthy my lunch actually was - And I found an array of results:

- "Rice is the staple of the Japanese diet. It is a good source of energy and provides a supply of protein."

- "Sushi rice is heavily processed, causing it to lose vitamins, minerals and fibre. Sushi rice isn’t just boiled in water, it also has considerable amounts of sugar, plus sugary rice vinegar added to it as flavouring." 

The first statement is from an article called 'Why Sushi Is Good For You,' the second article is called 'Why Sushi Can Make You Fat.' HOW are we supposed to live a healthy lifestyle when we are battling with an array of reviews; some telling us that certain foods are healthy and the others telling us to stay away.


OH and can someone please explain to me how BOTH of the above articles are from the same newspaper - The Daily Mail. I am ashamed to have even clicked on this paper for nutritional advice but how could I resist when they are both on the first page of google, with opposing articles??? 

*Cries on keyboard*

(Fortunately the majority of the negative articles are regarding restaurant sushi which is filled with extra salt, mayonnaise and very little fish- home made sushi is healthy so DIY!)